Most people simply accept the fact that horses are shod and rarely ask the question – why? When you...
How Do Horses Sweat and Cool Down
Most of the times when we see a horse, it looks like they’re always dry and with their skin...
The Costs of Owning a Horse
Owning and caring for a pet can be quite expensive as we all know, but what about a horse? Horses...
Five Beginner Horse Riding Mistakes To Avoid
Horseback riding can be a special and exciting new activity for people who are looking for a more...
Can Horses Swim
Most of us are used to seeing a horse racing over a lush green field or on a race track during a...
How Do Horses See The World Around Them
With more and more people taking equitation lessons and becoming horse owners, it started to be...
How Long Do Horses Live
It’s often easy to guess the age of our human friends but we all know that it’s harder...
How Do Horses Sleep
We all know that a good eight hours of silence and darkness, a comfortable bed and privacy are...
Can Horses Eat Potatoes
We love them fried, baked or boiled as they are nutritious and delicious but can horses eat...
Horses Teeth Problems Symptoms
There are certain things you can do to prevent dental decay for your equestrian friend so here is...
Can Horses Eat Tomatoes
Tomatoes are delicious and we use them in so many dishes but some animals can be harmed by them so...
Can Horses Eat Cabbage
Cabbage is a type of vegetable that we use in a lot of dishes but can horses eat cabbage? Some...
Top Ten Fastest Horses
There are many horse breeds as they have been one of the first domesticated animals but which are...
Common Horse Health Problems
Horses are very hardy animals but they are still prone to some illnesses so here are the most...
Can Horses Eat Pears
Have you ever found yourself strolling down the aisles at a supermarket speculating over what to...
Can Horses Eat Strawberries?
Delicious and full of nutrients, strawberries are a delicious treat for us but can horses eat...
Can Horses Eat Oranges
Citrus fruits are important due to their high vitamin C content and they are also quite delicious...
Can Horses Eat Bread
Bread is one of the most important parts of human diets throughout the globe but can horses eat...
Top 10 Horses In The World
The majestic horses are all amazing animals and since they were among the first ones domesticated...
Can Horses Eat Grapes
Like people, horses really love getting treats. If you are a horse owner, you can choose between a...
Can Horses See Color
Pet owners often think about what their pets can see or hear, and this is equally true for horse...
Can Horses Eat Celery
Can horses eat celery? If you find yourself pondering over this question, it is very likely that...
Can Horses Eat Apples
Taking a treat to your horse is perhaps one of the most rewarding parts of having a horse. If you...
Can Horses Eat Watermelon
Can horses eat watermelon? Of course they can! Horses absolutely love watermelon. Being so juicy...