Texel Guinea Pig

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texel guinea pig

Texel guinea pig is one of the newest breeds of cavies, as it was officially acknowledged by the ACBA in 1998. Texel guinea pigs come in a variety of colors and are distinct from regular guinea pigs; they have curly, smooth, soft coat. They can certainly be cute, happy addition to your family. And surely this is one of the most beautiful breeds of guinea pigs. However, Texel guinea pigs are more high maintenance and are not recommended pet as a first guinea pig. Want to find out more about this breed? Keep on reading.

Texel Guinea Pigs Characteristics

texel guinea pig

The Texel Guinea Pig is a non-self variety of the cavy group and it is mostly developed for show purposes. A Texel piggy’s coat is curly and long, flowing over the body.  The curls should cover the entire body, including the stomach. The coat should stand somewhat away from the body.

Texel’s face and forehead hair varies, depending on genetics. Mostly, the hair on the face is much shorter. The upper neck area and shoulders hair may vary cavy from cavy. Some Texels don’t develop curls in these areas. Hair below the ears and jaw line may vary as well.

Texel guinea pigs have wide round nose and big round bold eyes. They also have cobby body type, round head and big developed shoulders.

Origins of Texel 

Texel guinea pig originated from England. A Texel piggy is cross bred with Sheltie and Rex. These piggies are usually acquired from breeders or rescues and not regular pet stores.

Texel Guinea Pigs Care Tips

In comparison with regular cavies, Texel guinea pigs require more care, given their curly hair. This is one of the negative aspects of having such a pet. The luxurious rich hair will require a lot of grooming. This particular breed is not recommended for families who don’t have much time on their hands to maintain the cage and the hair of this guinea pig.

You need to groom the hair on a regular basis if you wish to prevent it from picking up droppings and causing an unhealthy, dirty environment for your furry pet. Moreover, your cavy can get hay stuck in the hair and create additional problems. You should pay attention to trimming the beautiful coat on a regular basis in the proximity of the anus, so the droppings don’t get stuck in the long hair. Guinea pigs don’t usually need baths but it would help to keep Texels fur clean. However, this doesn’t mean that they will require frequent baths, once a month will do just fine. Spot clean may work as well. Don’t use a blow drier on Texel’s coat. Also, similar to other guinea pig breeds, Texels need to have their nails cut once a month.

Texel Guinea Pigs Diet

Providing your furry pet with a well-balanced diet is a key to keeping him happy and healthy for a long time. Variety is essential for providing your pet with everything the little body requires. You should include vegetable servings daily, but be sure to monitor your pet’s reaction to the veggies. If you notice unusual droppings (wet stool), you should consider replacing the food with another one. Treats including carrots, greenish veggies such as peppermint leaves, broccoli, parsley, cucumber etc. are filled with vitamins Texel guinea pigs need. Make sure to introduce new veggies into the pet’s diet gradually. Your piggy’s digestive system is sensitive and if the change is too severe, your pet might suffer from an upset stomach.

Also, bear in mind that Texel guinea pigs require limitless amounts of hay throughout the entire day. Baby guinea pigs should be introduced to hay immediately after they have learned to eat on their own. You can also opt for offering your pet grass and various veggies leaves.

Texel guinea pigs require high levels of vitamin C, this is why providing your pet with daily veggie portions is excellent, as they are ideal sources of this vitamin. You can also opt for offering your guinea pig vitamin C chewable supplements; you can add them to their regular diet. Young, ill and pregnant pets require additional amounts of vitamin C.

Pellets are also regular additions to Texel guinea pig’s diet. A guinea pig will eat 1/8 cup of pellets per day approximatively if given hay, vegetable treats, and water. It is best to get small quantities of pellets and store them in the refrigerator. Opt for pellets that contain vitamin C.

Offering guinea pigs fresh water throughout the day is equally important to keep the animal hydrated. Also, you shouldn’t add vitamins or other medications to the water.

Texel Guinea Pigs Grooming Tips

As I already indicated, given the large amount of hair this particular breed presents, it needs regular grooming. Trimming the coat of the Texel guinea pig on a regular basis will make your furry pet feel comfortable. Additionally, this will maintain a proper hygiene, thus preserve a healthy living environment. The long hair will soak up the dropping if not trimmed and you don’t want that to happen. This will imminently cause a wide range of infections and diseases, so keeping the hair short in the back and sides is essential for maintaining proper hygiene and supporting your pet’s overall health condition.

For trimming your pet’s hair, you can use either safety scissors or hairdresser scissors, whatever you may have at your disposal. Still, electric clippers might be more effective and may make the job better in only a couple of minutes.

Besides regular trimming, you should also find the time to brush your Texel guinea pig’s hair. Most guinea pigs dislike brushing. Try to do it gently or just use a fine toothed steel comb. You can also just try to run your fingers through his coat to remove the loose hair.

Additionally, Texels hair covers their ears and makes them prone to wax buildup. Check and clean their ears when necessary.



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