Ever heard of the Cuterebra? It sounds like the little brother of El Chupacabra, but don’t...
Pet Blog
Can Pets Sense Earthquakes?
The belief that animals can sense earthquakes has been around for some centuries now. But while...
Car Travelling With Dogs
Car travelling with dogs can prove to be a difficult experience if you or your pet aren’t used to...
Dog Breeds That Don’t Shed
Perhaps you have problems with keeping the house tidy and don’t want a dog that will make things...
Can Dogs Catch a Cold?
You might have asked yourself whether or not can dogs catch a cold and the purpose of this article...
Early Signs of Kidney Failure in Dogs
As is the case with us, the kidneys of our pet need to maintain a set concentration of salt and...
Dog Breathing Heavy While Sleeping
Panting means rapid shallow breaths with an open mouth and when it comes to dogs they are...
My Dog Keeps Eating Grass
Many dog owners come up with this problem: my dog keeps eating grass and if you have the same case...
Cat Diabetes Prevention
Pets can get this disease too and it is just as harmful as it is for humans but there are some...
Catnip Facts
Catnip is quite an amazing herb that makes cats perform some really funny actions such as rolling...
How to Have a Stress Free Home For Your Pet
This topic applies to some pets more than others, most dogs won’t be troubled as much by their...
How to Handle Animal Cruelty
There are many organizations throughout the globe that struggle to reduce the cases of animal abuse...
How to Ensure Your Cat Is Safe Outdoors
Cats love to explore and discover new things, so the outdoors is the perfect place for them, but...
Tips on Handling Stray Dogs
It is heartbreaking to see stray animals that look hungry and frightened on the street and most of...
Pet Identification Options
If you live in a big city and your pet has the tendency to slip by and wander around the...
How To Treat Bee Stings On Pets
The outdoors can be pretty dangerous for your pets when discovering new surroundings and even in...
Cat Behavior Issues
Cats are much more mysterious than dogs and their actions sometimes puzzle someone who isn’t used...
How To Measure The Quality Of Life For Your Pet
Although it might seem highly subjective to think we can determine the quality of life for our...
Pet Obesity Prevention
The weight problems became more and more of an issue in developed countries and they affect a...
Pet First Aid Basics
Pets like to wander and discover new things, but some of these things might be harmful to them so...
How To Groom Your Cat
Cats have different needs according to their race and even if most people think that cats can take...
Top Working Dog Breeds
The working dog breeds are the ones that are usually appreciated for having higher intelligence and...
How To Improve Your Pet’s Immune System
When it gets colder outside we usually take things that help us prevent colds or the flu but we...
Flea And Tick Treatments for Your Pets
Even if you have the pet in an urban environment, an apartment or somewhere isolated, there is a...
Pet Compatibility Issues
When two families combine households or when you get a new pet there will always be some...
Pets And Newborn Babies Problems
If you have a pet and expect a child you should think about how the pet will handle the new member...
Things You Should Know About Water Safety With Pets
During the summertime we often go to swimming pools and have our pets around to have fun as well...
What You Should Know About Raw Feeding
We think that because dogs are predators their digestion is used to eating raw meat and bones, but...
Five Ideas On How To Deal With Shedding
Even if your pet has shorter hair, you will eventually run into the problem of finding his hair...
Best Types of Cat Food – Know the Secret!
With all the different types of cat foods on the store shelves, it is easy to become confused, but...
How often should your feed a cat?
After many years of owning cats & kittens, I’d have to say that there’s no cut and dry solution...