How To Choose The Right Guinea Pig Cage

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how to choose the right guinea pig cage

As with most other pets, especially rodents, you’ll need to buy a cage for guinea pigs. But every animal is different and has different needs, so choosing a cage for a hamster won’t be the same as choosing a cage for your new guinea pig. You need to take other facts into consideration. So read on to find out how to choose the right guinea pig cage.

How To Choose The Right Guinea Pig Cage

When choosing a cage for guinea pigs, there are several important factors that will shape your decision. And no, color is not one of them. Guinea pigs don’t care about color. It’s more about the size and the type of cage, the bedding and hiding place, so be sure to check these facts before spending money on one.

The Size

Most people used to believe that a small cage, enough to fit the guinea pig and a little bit of additional space would be enough and the general rule of thumb was to choose a cage of 2 square feet. What those people didn’t know or didn’t take into account is that guinea pigs are social creatures and they live their life better when in pairs or larger groups.

And having two or three guinea pigs changes everything when it comes to the size of the cage. Even for a single guinea pig, the recommended size nowadays is a good 7 or 8 square feet, and for a pair of them, the size of the cage should exceed 10 square feet for things to be in order. In general, the larger, the better, so if you have the means to provide your guinea pigs with a larger cage, go for it.

The Type

You may stumble upon cages that are marketed as guinea pig cages, but they’re way too small, so stay away from them. As we mentioned earlier, your pigs will need some extra space.

Apart from that, avoid buying cages that have wire floors or wire ramps because those will be uncomfortable for your little furry friends. Also, the space between the bars can be up to one inch for adult pigs. Besides these considerations, there isn’t anything else that’s very important, so feel free to get creative. Ramps and plastic shelves will add some fun and interest to the guinea pig, but make sure you don’t cut their space for running around.

The Bedding

With bedding, try to keep away from pine and cedar shavings. It’s best to use hay, aspen shavings or even recycled paper bedding. There are also tons of other options out there which are safe to use.

The Nest

Guinea pigs are known for their need for hiding, so providing their cage with a good hiding place is a good idea. Tunnels and boxes don’t need to be bought to be good enough, so look for anything like cardboard boxes or large PVC pipes that you may have laying around your house and transform them into hiding spots for your furry friends. Also, instead of buying something specially built for that purpose, go for cheaper alternatives that can be used for the same thing.
