Cat Dental Health is a Serious Issue

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cat dental health

I’m sure you know how things are with dental health in humans. We need to take care of our teeth on a daily basis and visit a dentist now and then to make sure everything is fine. Well, take that and apply it to cats as well.

And since they’re so clumsy with their little paws when it comes to that, we might need to help them get their dental health in order. Most domestic cats show signs of dental problems but they never receive any treatment for it, which is a pity. Some of them even have mouth pain and suffer a lot from that, so think about that and make sure your cat doesn’t get there.

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Even if your cat is not out there into the wild, hunting live birds and mice or whatever else she might hunt, she still needs healthy gums and teeth.

Signs of Bad Cat Dental Health

If your little friend has foul breath, that might be a sign of stomach or dental issues, so take him to a vet. If the gums don’t look firm and pink, or if they’re swollen, reddish or bleeding, that’s a serious indication of gum issues and should be as well taken care of at the vet.

Tartar or plaque buildup is another sign that your cat is not doing too well in the dental department. If left to their own devices, that could lead up to bacterial infections which could as well spread throughout their entire body, affecting their kidneys, liver and even heart. And no, those aren’t rare occurrences at all.

What To Do

First and foremost, you should take your little friend to a dental exam at least once a year. The veterinarian will clean their teeth and make sure everything is ok.

Then you should start taking care of your pet’s dental hygiene at home as well, as part of a daily routine. Yeah, I know, that’s where the fun part begins.

You might think that it’s as simple as buying a cat toothbrush and toothpaste and getting on with it. Oh well, if you know your cat well enough, you know for sure that it won’t be that easy. Take it slow and easy, find those calm moments when your cat doesn’t mind being touched on the mouth, try touching one tooth, then another and… You get the point, you need to work up to the actual tooth brushing, as your cat might not like it in the beginning.

If you get to do that a few times a week, success.

Another thing that might help you with this matter are cat dental toys and treats. They contain substances that help fight and reduce plaque. Cat dental rinse is yet another way to help keep your cat dental health in good condition, especially with those cats who won’t let you brush their teeth. The oral rinse helps kill the bacteria in your little furry friend’s mouth and leave him with a fresh breath.

While it might seem a chore in the beginning, if both of you get used to this habit, you’ll have a happy future together.

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