Some problems can be treated at home or with some medication so here is our guide on cat conjunctivitis treatment over the counter. The eyes of a cat are quite sensitive and conjunctivitis means the swelling of the tissue around them but this can come from different sources so let us find out more about the problem and how to take care of your pet when they suffer from this condition.
Symptoms of Conjunctivitis
The eyes will appear watery and transparent, but there are situations when only one eye will have this problem. The pet’s eyes will burn but most cats tend to try to hide their pain so you might only see them pawing at their eyes or trying to rub them on something. They will blink more than usual and their eyes will be runny.
Conjunctivitis and Its Causes
The conjunctiva is a transparent tissue covering the surface of the eye and its purpose is to protect the eye from dangerous viruses or bacteria while also acting as a shield for the debris that might come from the environment. When this tissue is irritated or infected this can cause conjunctivitis which is also known as red eye or pink eye and it is one of the most common eye disorders in cats.
Systemic diseases or allergies might be the cause if both eyes are infected and there are also irritants like dust, wind or other allergens that may make their eyes itchy. If the problem is in a single eye then there might be a foreign object (an eyelash even) that causes this condition.
If there is a lot of discharge and their eyes are swollen and red then a bacteria could cause this and there are situations when the eyes will be sealed due to the secretions. Viruses like Clamydia or Mycoplasma can also be the source.
To solve the problem you need to identify the cause first and this is why vets recommend that you keep them under observation for the first 24 hours to see if the condition persists. Seeing a vet if important if you cannot identify the cause and it is always the best choice.
Depending on the cause, the treatment might be an antibiotic ointment, an anti-viral one, L-lysine or even a nasal vaccine. A serious infection can lead to permanent eye damage so make sure you don’t treat it lightly. The most used antibiotics are neomycin, bacitracin and polymyxin but they have to be applied over a longer period of time. The same goes for the anti-viral ointments which sometimes have to be applied even five times a day.
You can buy L-lysine which will help with early signs of infection and you have to give this orally so it is easier than ointments or drops. The best thing about it is that you can get it over-the-counter and it is a good way of preventing problems or taking care of situations that aren’t too serious. If the problem persists then seeing a vet is definitely the best solution though as this can threaten your pet’s eyesight or lead to other complications.
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