Having a pet in your family is a very difficult task at the beginning. You don’t know what it needs, what foods are healthy or harmful for it. When you have a hamster, many questions regarding the diet that you want to provide may arise and one of them is: Can hamsters eat watermelon? We will discuss the answer to this question in the following paragraphs.
Can Hamsters Eat Watermelon And Its Seeds
Watermelon can be a very resourceful fruit for humans, but can it be the same for hamsters? The answer is no. Because watermelon contains a lot of water, it can be harmful for your pet’s health and cause diarrhea. You can easily be fooled by the thought that hamsters eat everything that you give them, but not everything is healthy for them. You should pay attention to what they eat because not everything that you consume is also good for their health. Hamsters are used to hiding their food from predators and that means that you will see his bowl empty quite often. That doesn’t mean they ate everything that you have put in their bowl. So, be very careful to not overfeed them. Going back to the subject of this article, watermelons, you should try not to feed your hamster this type of fruit.
Watermelon seeds should not be fed to hamsters as well. They are high in water and other acids which are harmful for your pet.
What About Melons?
Melon is highly recommended in your hamster’s diet because it contains the vitamins and proteins that your pet needs, but make sure you don’t give it large amounts because it can cause it diarrhea. It may seem that your hamster’s constitution can fight many diseases, but the truth is that it can be easily killed before the disease can properly develop. Its immune system is very fragile, but if we give it the proper food, its body can fight the diseases that are threatening it and you pet will become stronger, healthier and happier. Try to maintain a balance between what it regularly eats and make a change every once in a while.
Is My Hamster Enjoying A Melon?
Of course, you will have to test it in order to see if your hamster likes the taste of a melon. Many websites can say that melon is a great food for a hamster, but the only one who decides if it is good or not is your pet. Give it a small piece of melon to see if it likes it and then you will know if you can introduce melons in your pet’s diet or not.
Is There Such Thing As Too Much Melon?
Yes, that question may appear to come to your head when you see that your hamster enjoys melon. In order to avoid diarrhea, you should give him a small amount of melon once a week. Try to give it fresh food besides the hamster’s food mix that you can buy from a local pet shop. It will balance its diet and it will give it energy and a great amount of vitamins and proteins that will maintain its health.
What Items Should Appear In Your Hamster’s Diet?
We know that if we have a healthy pet, we are happy. But how do we keep our pet healthy and away from diseases? As we may have said, a balanced diet can be the best choice for your pet’s health. Why? Because it offers it everything that it needs, from vitamins to proteins, and of course, great flavors. Then, what should you include in this balanced diet? When you go shopping for food, remind yourself to make a quick stop to a local pet shop and buy some hamster’s food mix. This mix contains seeds and grains that offer your hamster the right amount of fiber, fat and protein. Remember that the food for mice or rats is not necessarily good for hamsters. Every little pet needs a special kind of attention and diet, and hamsters are very different form rats or mice. Combine the everyday mix that you have bought with small amounts of fresh food and your hamster will be happy and healthy and you will enjoy having it around.
Every little pet that you have needs protection and affection. Give it attention on a daily basis in order to not make it feel alone. Hamsters can get lonely, too and they can sense when they’re not loved or wanted in your family. They are very enjoyable pets that can make your day better and they deserve the best from you. If you choose to have a pet, make sure that you have the time and the patience to be there when it needs you. Make sure that it eats everyday and that the water is changed in order to avoid any problems regarding dehydration or contamination. Last, but not least, love and cherish it for the rest of its life, because, as sad as it may sound, you’re its only family.
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