Can Guinea Pigs Eat Grass

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can guinea pigs eat grass

Can guinea pigs eat grass? We know that there are many animals out there which are relying on nothing but grass. It’s a delicacy and a source of many nutrients they need in order to be able to survive. Is this the same for guinea pigs? We made a quick search in the area and in the following paragraphs, we are going to present you the results we managed to get.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Grass?

can guinea pig eat grass

We know that guinea pigs should have a diet based on hay, fresh water, and vitamin C-reinforced pellets. But what about grass? Can they munch on it or will their tiny stomachs be affected by this plant?

If you are a fresh owner of a guinea pig, you need to know what you can give your tiny friend to eat. So, to answer your question, yes guinea pigs can eat grass. Grass is a part of the main foods guinea pigs will go for. As long as they have access to grass, they can munch it and enjoy it every day. They will love it so much, that they would choose it over any other food you are giving to them. It is a great food for guinea pigs and due to the fact that it has an abrasive nature, it can help them with their teeth development.

How Much Grass Should a Guinea Pig Eat?

The next question that may pop into your head is what amount of grass guinea pigs could eat. Should it be offered moderately and only on certain occasions? Guinea pigs can eat a lot of grass, their health will not be affected in any manner. Hay and grass should constitute around 80 percent of your cavy’s diet. Just remember to check if the grass contains any pesticides or chemicals.

What to Look Out for

Just like in the case of any other food you plan to give it to your pet, there are things you should look out for when feeding grass. For instance, if your cavy has never consumed rich spring grass before, he might experience some tummy issues.

Another aspect you need to consider is that after wintertime, the transition to eating grass should be made gradually. Be careful not to feed them too much of it all of a sudden. It’s best to introduce grass slowly to your piggies diet. Use small portions that grow a bit every week. Following these steps will ensure a maximum rate of success.

Growing your Own Grass

If you have the possibility to grow your own grass, you should start doing it as soon as possible. Having a yard is great, as you can arrange a small corner where you can plant grass for your guinea pigs. This way, you will know for sure that it is completely natural and that it has never been touched by any chemicals and other pesticides. You can even grow it in pots if you do not have the necessary space!

As to what type of grass you should be planting, cat grass or wheat grass are both great options. Wheat grass, however, seems to be healthier and more appropriate for your pet. If you do not have the time or the space to grow your own grass, you can always buy it from the specialized stores.

Grass and its Many Forms

You might wonder if it’s okay for your guinea pigs to eat wet grass. A little wet grass won’t be any problem as long as your guinea pigs don’t get wet. However, check if the damp grass doesn’t have mold on it.

Don’t replacing their timothy hay with grass completely. Guinea pigs diet should be based on hay, mostly, and the grass should be the second option.

Guinea pigs also can eat grass with clover. They can also eat dandelions, but whether they will like it or not, it all depends on the particular cavy. So, offer your pet a piece of dandelion as a test, and see if he likes it or not.

Precautions about Grass

  • Avoid grass that is close to busy roads (car fumes can pollute the grass)
  • Avoid grass that has been treated with chemicals like herbicides and pesticides.
  • Avoid grassy areas with mildew, mold or fungus.
  • Avoid grass that many other animals visit daily (cats or dogs). Their feces may spread parasites.
  • Don’t let your cavies to eat too much fresh grass if they are not used to it.
  • Don’t let your pets loose outside on the grassy area. Secure them in a pen or fenced area so you don’t lose them.
  • Check for any ticks or fleas they may get from the outdoors.


Guinea pigs can eat grass and they would surely love it too. In fact, it can even become your piggies basic food and they can enjoy it as much as they want. There will be no real side effects if you remember the precautions we talked about previously. The grass is great for your pet and you can give it to him on a regular basis.




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