Today’s question: can dogs eat figs? Are figs good or bad for dogs? Scroll down for detailed answers.
When you accept the responsibility of taking in a dog as a pet, you are also choosing to accept the responsibility of taking care of his/her dietary and nutritional requirements. The majority of dog foods on the market cover all of the nutritional requirements needed for your dog, but on occasion, your particular dog may need a supplement. Adding supplements is a good way in which to raise your dog’s vitamin count, anti oxidant levels, fiber and protein. Keeping your dog happy and healthy, inside and out, is your responsibility. Lucky for you, this responsibility is not too difficult. Feeding your dog wholesome dog foods, limiting treats, and serving only occasion human food, will allow your pup the nutrient s/he needs to survive.
You do not anything special to feed your dog and ensure his/her health. You cannot just feed any food to a dog and expect the dog to do well and thrive. Dogs need a specially formulated diet in tune with their specific nutritional and digestive needs. Of course, dogs are known to eat just about anything, but that does not, in any way, mean they should . Dogs eat most any food (or non food item) they deem to be edible, and their eating should be limited. However, just because their food intake should limited to healthy food sources does not mean dogs are confined to just consuming meat and chewing on bones.
Dogs can also eat fruits and vegetables from time to time. Many dog owners have incorporated fruits and veggies into their own whole food diets and choose to extend this particular diet unto their dogs. Your pets also benefit from eating whole foods such as fruit and veggies, and are also able to benefit from the higher nutritional contents and added fiber and minerals. While many fruits and veggies are without the protein deemed necessary to the diet of a dog, there are other vitamins and minerals to be found in these foods that will be beneficial to your dog.
What kind of fruits can dog eat? Can dogs eat figs? Why don’t we take a closer look at the details?
Looking After a Dog’s Diet
As a responsible and loving dog owner, feeding your pet chew bones and meat is not going to be enough. Just as we humans need nutrients and various substances in order to be healthy and happy, so do our dogs. Meat and bones are crucial staples to the diet of your dog, but some pet owners may feel the need to expand their dog’s palate and incorporate new foods. When you begin to incorporate new foods in your dog’s diet, be sure to test the food on your pup first. Offer small amounts of food, and on a slow scale. Do not offer your dog a large amount of human food to eat very quickly. Your dog does not have the ability to digest this much food and will only become sick. If your dog has a reaction to the new food, offering a large amount of the food will only extend the problem and cause more damage.
It’s true that dogs usually take the nutrients needed for survival from their kibble or from the wet dog food they love so much. Dog food is specially formulated for your dog, you’re your dog does not technically require any additional food to survive. Still, it never hurts to supplement his/her food with some fresh fruits and vegetables. These types of food are easy slice and offer your pet, are not liable to choke your dog or cause harm, as are infinitely more beneficial and significantly healthier than other kinds of dog treats on the market
In addition, dogs need a little variety in their meals as well. Think about how it would feel if you had to eat the same food day after day. While you may be happy simply to have food to eat, you may wish to have a bit of variety in your life. Dogs eat a variety of food in the wild. All wild food hunted is technically a meat source, but the meat source varies. When the meat source is varied, the taste, texture and smell vary as well. Your dog may not have come from the wild, but his/her breed did evolve from the wild dog and has an innate craving for variety of foods. Your dog may think your daily offering of kibble is a bit dull and drab to the meat sources s/he could hunt his/herself outside of your home. So spare your pet the “cruel” fate of having to consume the same food every day and inject a little color into his/her diet.
Can Dogs Eat Figs? Do They Like Them?
Among the many kinds of fruits that a canine is allowed to consume, figs are included. Figs are actually highly beneficial for your pooch because the fig provides him/her with valuable nutrients and great health benefits. Fiber and potassium are just two of the elements that contribute to your dog’s health and energy. Fiber is important to keep the dog feeling full and curb the cravings for other types of food. When your dog feels fuller, longer, your dog may be better able to fit the urge of taking food off the counter. Digestion is also incredibly important to the overall health of your dog. Your dog benefits from a healthy intestinal system and will have a boost of his/her immune system as well. Keeping your dog happy and healthy for an extended period of time begins in the digestive system. Adding fiber to your dog’s diet via the fig will only improve the digestive health of your dog.
Not only can dogs eat figs without potential harm, they greatly enjoy figs, too! Dogs are not known to be finicky eaters, and will eat most any food you offer. Keep in mind the fact that there is always the possibility of your dog to not like figs. Just as we humans have our food preferences, so do our canine friends. So while figs are perfectly fine to consume by dogs, your particular dog might simply not be interested in trying them. That is not a reason for concern; do not worry about figs being poisonous or other related issues.
There are instances of dogs turning up their noses at particular foods and there are some fruits dogs just simply will not eat. Figs are good for dogs and good for their tastes as well. Perhaps because figs have a plain type of taste and a smoother texture than other crunchier fruits, the fig remains popular with the dogs at the dog park.
Can Figs be Dangerous for My Dog?
As with any other kind of new food, figs do come with some warnings attached. First of all, you should always be careful only to feed your dog small pieces to prevent choking. Second of all, your dog may not like figs or it might have allergic reactions to them. In order to confirm that it is okay to consume figs, try giving him/her just one fig and then wait for a reaction. If a day has passed and your pet has not shown any signs of being sick, then you can start giving him/her figs as occasional treats. However, if any your dog showed any of these symptoms: itchy eyes, wheezing, coughing or mouth or skin rash, then you should take your dog to the vet.
Is it Good for Dogs to Eat Figs and Other Fruits?
Occasional fruit treats are great for dogs. However, moderation is the key here. Many fruits have a high sugar content which is not healthy for dogs if they consume them in excess. Just remember to feed the fruits in small quantities, because otherwise they might upset your pet’s stomach. Also, a dog’s diet should never be based entirely on figs or other fruit. It’s true that they are allowed to eat them, but only as a treat. A healthy canine diet is still comprised of meat and the occasional bones to chew on
The Benefits of Feedings Figs and Other Fruits to Your Dog
As I mentioned before, certain health benefits can be derived from canine consumption of fruits, including figs. The same nutrients that we take from fruits are the ones that contribute to your dog’s health and well-being. Also, introducing fruit in a dog’s diet helps with diversity. You are actively helping your pet to be healthier. Moreover, it makes him happy to receive a treat.
Can Dogs Eat Fig Leaves?
There are many fig tree varieties. According to ASPCA, a fig tree variety Ficus benjamina leaves are toxic to dogs, cats, and horses. When the dog’s skin comes contact with these leaves, they can cause dermatitis. When ingested, the leaves can cause vomiting, oral irritation, and salivation.
If you have a fig tree in the backyard, make sure that your dog doesn’t eat any of the leaves. If you suspect your dog ingested the fig leaves, please consult with the vet immediately. Check out other poisonous plants for dogs.
All in all, as you can determine by this point, there is no reason you shouldn’t feed figs to your dog, except the leaves. Yes, dogs can eat figs and they are also good for them and their health. Not only do they contribute several necessary nutrients, but figs also act as fairly delicious treats that your pooch will be happy to eat, as a well-deserved variation from its usual meals. Just remember not to base his entire diet on figs and/or fruits. Also, chop the fruits in small pieces, so they are easy to chew and swallow. Quantities should also be kept small to avoid any digestive system problems, upset stomach or diarrhea. Limit the amount of figs to 1 fig a week. Bigger portions have shown to cause stomach problems in dogs
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