Can chickens eat pineapple or is it dangerous for them? Yes, chickens can eat pineapple, this fruit is not dangerous for your flock. Chickens are those animals your grandmother had in her garden and which you used to chase after as a kid. You could actually say those birds were somehow scared of you but admit it that there were moments when you were scared of them, especially when the rooster entered the scene. Everyone advised you to stay out of his way, mainly because roosters attack when threatened while chickens are more docile.
How Much Can Chickens Eat Pineapple?
When you were a kid, you used to feed these creatures corn, grass, food leftovers. In fact, all the food you did not want to eat or like was sent to the chickens. But as any other animal, chickens have some forbidden foods.
To answer the question, yes chickens can eat pineapple but in moderation. If you have never fed your chickens pineapple before, cut some small parts that are softer and give it to them. If they like it, they will eat it. If they are not particularly attracted to the taste, they will leave it alone.
What Foods Should My Chickens Stay Away From?
Chickens are not some chewing machines that can eat whatever you want them to. There are a few things you should never feed your birds if you want to keep them healthy.
Here is a list of foods that are forbidden to chickens:
- Avocado – no pits, no flesh and definitely no avocado skin should be given to chickens. They contain a toxin, called persin that can lead to myocardial necrosis and toxicosis.
- White potatoes – cooked white potatoes will not work for your chicken, let alone the raw ones. They contain a toxin, solanine, which breaks down red cells and leads to diarrhea and heart failure. Sometimes, solanine is eliminated when the potatoes are cooked at high temperatures, but boiling will not reduce the levels of this toxin. Also, keep your chickens away from any white potato skin.
- Apple seeds – the fruit itself is a safe option but the seeds not so much. Also, keep your chickens from eating any seeds from cherries, apricots, peaches, plums and pears. They are high in cyanide.
- Eggplant leaves, tomato leaves or rhubarb stalks or leaves – they all contain solanine and are toxic. Green tomatoes and immature eggplant flesh should be avoided until they are ripe. Then, the solanine levels drop and you can feed these foods to your chickens.
- Raw dried beans – these beans contain a natural insecticide, phytohemagglutinin which can be harmful. It is best if you soak and then cook them really well.
- Onions – they contain a toxin called thiosulphate which destroys the red cells in chickens. Jaundice and anemia are caused by the excessive amounts. Onions can also lead to death.
- Caffeine, tea bags or chocolate – both chocolate and caffeine contain a toxin called methylxanthines theobromine which should be avoided at all times.
- Alcohol – clearly you should never give your chickens alcohol but I think you already knew that.
- Spoiled food – you would not eat any moldy food, would you? So why should you feed your chickens that? Stale cereals or bread and overripe fruits work but nothing that has mold on it.
- Salty, over-fried or sweet foods – should I even mention that chickens do get fat and that overweight can seriously affect their overall wellness? Salty, sweet or over-fried food is not good for you and definitely not good for your animals. It is better to throw it away than to risk your chicken’s health.
- Foods that have been chemically treated – if you suspect that the food has been sprayed with chemicals, pesticides or herbicides then do not buy it or do not feed it to your chickens.
- Citrus – citrus is believed to interfere in the calcium absorption and to thin the shell of the eggs. It is also believed it causes your chickens to lay down fewer eggs. It is best to not feed your chicken citrus on a regular basis.
- Spinach – this veggie also plays a big part in the calcium absorptio, due to the oxalic acid that it contains.
- Asparagus – can interfere with the taste of the eggs, so keep it more of an occasional treat.
- Pasta, white rice and bread – they have a small nutritional value, so it is better to give to your chickens whole grain bread, pasta and brown rice which are richer in nutrients.
- Iceberg lettuce – limit the intake of this food since it has a low nutritional value and can cause diarrhea. You can switch to cabbage, collard and kale which are by far the best choices you can make. Plus, chickens absolutely love their green leaves.
- Dairy products – milk, plain yogurt and cheese can have a negative effect on chickens. They are not designed to process the milk sugars and can have diarrhea from large amounts of dairy products.
As you can see, there are some foods chickens should not eat. You can either memorize them or write them down to remember them and keep your birds healthy.
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