If you have ever tried to maintain a lawn with a dog around, then you know that this can be quite tricky. While your dog may love the grass, they can also end up destroying it fairly easily. Now, the good news for you is that you don’t actually have to compromise on your lawn if you have a pup.
Rather, it is about finding the best grass for your lawn. As long as you select a grass that is able to withstand your pup’s antics, your lawn will be given a much better chance of survival. Here is everything that you need to know about selecting the best grass for the job…
Top Issues with Lawns for Pups
First, let’s take a closer look at the reasons that maintaining a lawn can be so tricky with a pooch around:
Urine and Poop Damage
If your pooch is like most other dogs, then he or she will love peeing and pooping on your lawn. Now, in the beginning, this may not seem like such a bad thing. In fact, you may even notice that those certain areas are greener than before! After a while, though, that vivid green will give way to ugly brown spots instead.
So, what is responsible for all of this? Well, that would be the nitrogen that is typically found in dog poop and pee. In small amounts, nitrogen can actually help the grass to grow – hence, those healthy spots in the beginning. However, when the nitrogen becomes more concentrated, it begins to kill the grass. This is why the green patches will then become brown.
Wear and Tear
Another that your pup may enjoy doing is zooming across the lawn as fast as they can. Now, while this may be fun to watch, all of this running may actually be pulling up patches of grass. Even if this doesn’t happen, there is a good chance that your pooch is actually squashing down the grass with his or her paws.
Another way that your pup may be doing serious damage to your lawn is through their digging. Here, it isn’t just the top layer of the grass that is effected but the soil below it as well. This can then make it rather tricky to regrow grass in the future.
What to Look for In the Best Grass for Pooches
Here are the top features for selecting dog-proof grasses:
- Able to withstand trampling and foot traffic
- Can recover from urine damage
- Is suited to your region
- Requires little maintenance
Tips for Selecting Pooch-Proof Grasses
Now, let’s look at some of the top tips to follow when searching for pooch-proof grasses:
Native Grasses
When you first start your search, make it a point to look for native grasses. See, these have a tendency to be hardier since they are a good match for the conditions in the region. So, not only will they grow better, you may find that these grasses require less maintenance as well.
Fast Growing
Let’s face it, your pooch isn’t going to patiently wait while your lawn grows out. This is why you will need to find grass that can grow quickly. The benefit of this is that you will have a beautiful lawn in no time at all. You should also remember that fast growing grasses are able to withstand more damage as well.
Deep Root Systems
When it comes to the physical damage done to your lawn, grasses with deep root systems are your best option. For one thing, your pup will find it a lot trickier to try and dig up the lawn. For another, such grasses are known to be more resilient to damage.
The Best Grass for Dogs
Here are the top grasses that you should consider planting for your lawn:
Kentucky Bluegrass
If your main concern is making sure that your grass remains planted, then Kentucky Bluegrass is perhaps your top option here. This grass is well-known for its hardiness and durability. As such, it can easily stand up to continuous use, lots of trampling, and even grazing.
That being said, you should be aware that it isn’t very urine resistant. So, if your pup is in the habit of peeing in just one spot, you may want to consider mixing in another kind of grass.
Combination of Bermuda and Rye Grass
If you want the best of both worlds, you should consider seeding Bermuda and Rye grass together. See, Bermuda is fast-growing and stands up really well to constant traffic. It is also quite resilient and can repair itself easily too. Nonetheless, it isn’t too great in colder months.
Now, Rye grass works well in those cooler regions and may be able to live on in winter months. To add to this, it is fairly resistant to urine as well. So, when you combine these two kinds of grass, you get a mix that is as perfect as possible.
If urine is your main issue, then fescues can certainly help to alleviate it. Since it is known for its hardiness, urine damage takes a lot longer to show up on these kinds of grasses. That is to say, fescues aren’t immune to grasses. However, they will not be damaged quite as easily.
How to Maintain a Beautiful Lawn Despite Your Pup
As you can imagine, planting the right grass isn’t enough to keep your lawn looking good. You are also going to need to do the following:
- Avoid letting pee and poop soak into the grass
- Hose down popular peeing and pooping spots immediately
- Only let your dog out when the grass is dry
- Take your pup for regular walks to encourage them to relieve themselves elsewhere
- Give your pup plenty of water to drink to dilute their pee
- Train your pooch to ‘go’ in one spot on the lawn
As you can see, a beautiful, lush lawn doesn’t have to be out of your reach. As long as you take note of all of the information and tips offered here, you will know exactly what to do. Then, both you and your pup can enjoy your lawn in your own way!